Journal of Early Childhood Education2023-12-16T06:12:17+00:00Elise Journal Systems<p>Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published or not under consideration for publication to anywhere else. The publication should have approved by any coauthors; for publication the publisher will not be responsible for any compensation.</p> Through Zepeto Application : Impact on Vocabulary Development among 5 to 6 Year-Old Children In Kindegarten2023-11-29T14:34:53+00:00Zahra Salsabillazahrasalsabilla951@gmail.comAsdi<p>The study was motivated by the undeveloped vocabulary of children and the lack of a teacher's variety of media teaching vocabulary to children. So far, teachers only teach language and vocabulary to children using simple tools such as story books and PowerPoint as learning media in developing children's vocabulary. In today's globalization, teachers can use the sophistication of technology to improve children's vocabulary skills. One of the mediums in developing a vocabulary for children is the storytelling method of using the it based media, such as the zepeto application. The study use a quantitative approach in the form of a quantitative experiment. The population in this study are all students at the kindegarten of the university of padang laboratories, with examples of b2 and b3 classes, of 15 children each. The data-collection technique use an observation sheet, so the data is processed by discrepancy tests (t-tests) use a SPSS 22.0 application for Windows. Based on data analysis, the average test results and post-tests for test groups are 6 and 1053. While in control groups, the average results of trials and post-tests are 5.6 and 9.53. The result of the data is normally distributed and homogenized. In testing a hypothesis by an independent t-test sample, the value of sig (2-tail) is 0012 <0.05. It may be concluded thatstorytelling using zepeto applications proves to be more effective for vocabulary development in children.</p>2023-09-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Education Effect of Storytelling Method Using The Sway Application to Develop Children's English Vocabulary2023-11-29T14:35:50+00:00Yasifa Arkanasyayasifaarkanasya12345@gmail.comRismareni<p>The research discusses about to what extent child English vocabularies developed by using stories through Sway Application. English vocabularies are introduced in Kindegarten. However, in the Kindegarten shows that children have very limited vocabularies and lack of variation of media in teaching vocabularies. The teacher has invariety media in teaching. She taught English to children using the storytelling method using picture books and simple powerpoint media as learning media in developing English vocabulary for children. In the current era of globalization, teachers can take advantage of technological sophistication to improve children's English skills. One of the media in developing English for children is the storytelling method using IT-based media, for example the sway application. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the storytelling method using the sway application on the development of children's English vocabulary at Harapan Kita Pesisir Selatan Kindergarten. Based on data analysis, the average pre-test and post-test results of the experimental group were 7,5 and 14,13. While in the control group, the average pre-test and post-test results were 5,94 and 11,6. The resulting data is normally distributed and homogeneous. In testing the hypothesis with the Independent sample t-test, the sig value (2-tailed) is 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded that telling stories using the sway application is proven to be more effective in developing English in children.</p>2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Education Effect of Pencil Shape Mosaic Skills In Develop Fine Motoric Children Aged 5-6 Years in Kindergarten Pembina 01 Air Haji Pesisir Selatan2023-11-29T14:37:04+00:00Yulisa Pevitri Yulisayulisapevitri@gmail.comIndra<p>The background of this study is that children's fine motor skills have not yet been developed,like not being able to hold a pencil the right way. The learning media used by the teacher have not varied, for example when the child's learning process is limited to books. The learning method used by the teacher is not interesting, often giving coloring assignments. This study aims to find out how the influence of pencil shavings mosaic skills in developing fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in the Kindergarten Pembina 01 Air Haji Pesisir Selatan.The fine motor skills of the children studied are how children coordinate eye and hand movements, control hand movements and the accuracy and thoroughness of children in doing mosaic activities. This research uses a Quantitative approach with a Quasi Experiment research design. The population is children aged 5-6 years at Kindergarten Pembina 01 Air Haji Pesisir Selatan, using the purposive sampling technique, namely class B1 and B2, each of which consists of 10 people. Data collection techniques using normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing. The data collection tool used is a statement sheet. Then the data were processed by a difference test (t-test) using the computerized help of IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The results of the study showed that the N-gain data variance for the experimental class using Seutan Pencil Mosaic and the control class using origami paper mosaic was the same or homogeneous. Based on the results of the analysis it is known that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0, 008 < 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant (real) difference in effect between the pencil shavings mosaic and the treatment given by the teacher in developing fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years.<br>Keywords: mosaic, fine motor, early childhood</p> <p> </p>2023-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Education Impact of Powtoon Animation on Early-Reading Ability of Children Aged 5-6 At The 1 Padang State Kindergarten2023-11-29T14:31:33+00:00Femi Aulia<p>The background of this research is that the teaching of reading in early childhood has not yet been developed so that there are still many children who experience difficulties in pre-reading such as; recognize letters, read words into simple sentences. By utilizing current technological sophistication, the study aims to determine the effect of <em>Powtoon</em> animation on early reading skills in children aged 5-6 years at 1 Padang State Kindergarten. This study uses a quantitative approach with <em>Quasi Experiments</em>. The population in this study were all students at 1 Padang State Kindergarten, with the research sample being class B2 and class B3, each of which had 15 children. Data were collected using observation sheet and data were processed by different test (t-test) using the SPSS 22.0 application for windows. Based on data analysis, the <em>Pre-Test</em> and <em>Post-Test</em> results for the Experiment class were 44,93 and 62,00. In the Control class the average <em>Pre-Test</em> and <em>Post-Test</em> results were 44,07 and 57,87. The resulting data is normally distributed and homogeneous. On the hypothesis test with <em>Independent sample t-test</em>, the sig value (2-taied) is 0,039 < 0,05. It can be concluded that early reading using <em>Powtoon</em> animation media has proven to have an effect on the beginning reading ability of children aged 5-6 years.</p>2023-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Education EFFECT OF KINEMASTER APPLICATION ON ENGLISH VOCABULARY RECOGNITION IN KINDERGARDEN (4-6 YEARS)2023-12-16T06:12:17+00:00Tri Resi Noprinalita Resitriresinoprinalita20@gmail.comNenny<p>A well-prepared abstract enables the reader to identify the basic content of a document quickly The problems that researchers found in the field were that the ability to recognize English for kids was still low, some children still had difficulty knowing English vocabulary and children still found it difficult to say the meaning of the words they said. This research uses a quantitative approach of a Quasi Experiment. The population of this study was all students of the Laboratory Kindergarten, with the sample being Class B3 and Class B4, each of which consisted of 15 children. The data collection technique uses a teacher-made test which is arranged in the form of a test according to its manufacture. Data analysis techniques using normality tests, homogeneity tests, and hypothesis tests. The data collection tool uses a descriptive sheet. The data were then processed with a different test (t-test) using SPSS 22.0 for the Windows application. Therefore, there is a large difference between the control and experimental classes.</p>2023-09-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Education