The Effect of Storytelling Method Using The Sway Application to Develop Children's English Vocabulary
The research discusses about to what extent child English vocabularies developed by using stories through Sway Application. English vocabularies are introduced in Kindegarten. However, in the Kindegarten shows that children have very limited vocabularies and lack of variation of media in teaching vocabularies. The teacher has invariety media in teaching. She taught English to children using the storytelling method using picture books and simple powerpoint media as learning media in developing English vocabulary for children. In the current era of globalization, teachers can take advantage of technological sophistication to improve children's English skills. One of the media in developing English for children is the storytelling method using IT-based media, for example the sway application. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the storytelling method using the sway application on the development of children's English vocabulary at Harapan Kita Pesisir Selatan Kindergarten. Based on data analysis, the average pre-test and post-test results of the experimental group were 7,5 and 14,13. While in the control group, the average pre-test and post-test results were 5,94 and 11,6. The resulting data is normally distributed and homogeneous. In testing the hypothesis with the Independent sample t-test, the sig value (2-tailed) is 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded that telling stories using the sway application is proven to be more effective in developing English in children.