Storytelling Through Zepeto Application : Impact on Vocabulary Development among 5 to 6 Year-Old Children In Kindegarten
The study was motivated by the undeveloped vocabulary of children and the lack of a teacher's variety of media teaching vocabulary to children. So far, teachers only teach language and vocabulary to children using simple tools such as story books and PowerPoint as learning media in developing children's vocabulary. In today's globalization, teachers can use the sophistication of technology to improve children's vocabulary skills. One of the mediums in developing a vocabulary for children is the storytelling method of using the it based media, such as the zepeto application. The study use a quantitative approach in the form of a quantitative experiment. The population in this study are all students at the kindegarten of the university of padang laboratories, with examples of b2 and b3 classes, of 15 children each. The data-collection technique use an observation sheet, so the data is processed by discrepancy tests (t-tests) use a SPSS 22.0 application for Windows. Based on data analysis, the average test results and post-tests for test groups are 6 and 1053. While in control groups, the average results of trials and post-tests are 5.6 and 9.53. The result of the data is normally distributed and homogenized. In testing a hypothesis by an independent t-test sample, the value of sig (2-tail) is 0012 <0.05. It may be concluded thatstorytelling using zepeto applications proves to be more effective for vocabulary development in children.